NFS Switch Services



NFS SWITCH allows banks to use shared infrastructure for issuing Debit cards and KCC Cards, deploying ATMs, and participating in large payment networks like RuPay, VISA, Master Card and others.

It is not enough for a bank to deploy only core banking solutions( CBS); it is only the beginning. The real benefits of CBS come in when the bank gets connected to the national payments network. However, connecting to the National Financial Switch (NFS) involves a huge capital expenditure into an EFT Switch and associated environment, which requires additional work and expenditure to make it compatible with NFS.

Brindley Technologies Switching Services offers the most affordable and fastest method to participate in a larger financial ecosystem. Brindley Technologies offers you access to our EFT Switch on a shared-basis. Not only does your bank save on the huge capital expenditure for a world-class full-fledged EFT Switch, it will also get access to the nationwide ATM network of National Financial Switch (NFS). Bank can deploy onsite and offsite ATMs, POS terminals in your branches (our patented solution) that act as a fallback if the leased line fails.

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