Social Responsibility

Customer Social Responsibility and Environmental Social Responsibility & Governance



Caring for inclusive growth. Building stronger societies.

Our principles of empathy and care, articulated under our ‘We Care’ philosophy, have created unmatched transformational value for our stakeholders and communities, our country and planet. These principles are further strengthened by our relentless pursuit of sustainable and inclusive growth.

As we continue to build our Company and scale greater heights, we remain motivated in our single-minded desire to extend transformative care to all, thus making a difference in the lives of all.

We have so far positively impacted million of people through our philanthropic initiatives through our trust. In our collective battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, women and child health, health care, education and environment.

Through “MEHTA TRUST” foundation, our philanthropic arm, we work with communities and implement development programmes focusing on Rural Transformation, Health, Education, Sports for Development, Women Empowerment, Disaster Response, Arts, Culture & Heritage, and Urban Renewal to achieve comprehensive, inclusive, and sustainable societal development. Additionally, our businesses conduct CSR activities locally.

About MEHTA TRUST foundation

MEHTA TRUST foundation was set up to drive the various philanthropic initiatives of the group companies and MEHTA family.

Throughout our journey, we have made a difference to the lives of millions of people across.

MEHTA TRUST Foundation has also established strategic partnerships with many organizations that have the technical expertise and experience to undertake various programmes in the identified focus areas of operation.

  • Rural Transformation
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Women Empowerment
  • Disaster Response
  • Young Hearts (elderly)
  • Animal Conservation and Care
  • Environment
  • Carbon Zero

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Social & Governance are built in the DNA of every member. With the mission statement – ‘To Serve with Care’, our social efforts address some of society’s most ignored issues like helping the differently-abled, caring for the elderly and underprivileged, and working for the rights of the voiceless (animals).

CSR activity to support and help environment by plantation of guava trees. This also helps local villagers to earn by selling fruits as well as it helps environment , animals and birds.

Also giving plants with plots to entrepreneurs, employees as well as our customers to return them as our token of gratitude and spreading environment social responsibility.

Our social responsibility is a reflection of who we are and how we think. It is our guiding philosophy that helps us integrate the same ethics and principles at all levels in our business practices. Our role has evolved from being an global technology company to being a guardian of our society driving positive change. We are also thankful to our internal and external stakeholders for their continuous support and encouragement.

Internationally Certified Verification and Certification of  recycling of electronics waste.


For ESG we have partnered with Ingram Micro, hulladek and many others to IT Assets Disposition and Services.

For us at MEHTA TRUST foundation, innovation and responsible entrepreneurship go hand in hand, a principle that will guide us today, tomorrow and beyond. We are truly grateful to all our internal and external stakeholders for the trust and support they have placed in us.


Message from the founder , managing director of Brindley Technologies during global pandemic

Our Objective to provide  Solutions Beyond Boundaries to work customer and to empower their business in the most difficult times

Dear Brindley Technologies family & well-wishers,

I am hoping whichever part of the world you are in, you and your families are safe, healthy and staying strong.

We find ourselves today in one of the most difficult times in recent history of over 100 years. Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed sadness on a scale incomprehensible to most of us. However, we have also seen something equally extraordinary. We have experienced the depths of human compassion.
Strangers lending a helping hand, communities rising to the occasion and colleagues making a difference.

At Brindley Technologies, our teams have stepped forward to support communities, associates and families in India and other parts of the world. Apart from this we have also provided Covid 19 patients required treatments and vaccinations.
I know this is a very difficult period for all of us, but I also know that if we take care, stand by each other, we shall survive this crisis too.

We also enter new world of working and surviving together – hybrid mode of operations – Work from Home & Work from Office in a balanced mode of operations.

A few thoughts..

Stay Safe: It’s more important today more than ever.

Stay Connected: Reach out to your families, friends, colleagues and community virtually.

Be Aware: While various social platforms may pass on a lot of information, it unfortunately perpetuates lots of myths too. So double check sources before believing them.

Get Vaccinated: It remains the best and ONLY antidote to this disease.

Stay Positive: In Spirit. I am aware that it can be difficult given the news that one keeps hearing. But we have to remain positive. Talk to each other. Listen to positive stories, there are enough of them. SHARE positive stories.

Share Kindness: It’s heartening to see how we have come together to help each other from offering financial aid, donating plasma to taking out time for each other.

Last but not the least, I want to thank each member of my Brindley Technologies family including our customers, partners and your families for coming together in fighting this unforeseen war. We are always stronger, together.

Let’s resolve to be brave.
Let’s resolve to be kind.
Let’s resolve to be together in spirit.
And together we shall restart our journey.

Thank your supporting each others in this most difficult times of our times.

Ninaad Mehta
Founder & MD, Brindley Technologies.

We request all our employees, investors , customer and other stakeholders to follow following Covid 19 protocol guidance laid down by WHO and local governments.

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